Wei-Ping Chen

Media Researcher. Sociologist.

❝ 陳維平,現任國立陽明交通大學傳播與科技學系副教授,專長為科技中介親密關係、情感社會學、消費社會學、閱聽人與流行文化、批判數據研究及性別媒體研究。陳維平自法國高等社會科學研究院取得社會學博士學位,編著有《愛情必修學分:Z世代的情感和性別關鍵字》一書,並在傳播學、社會學與文化研究等領域的學術期刊及專書中發表論文,近期著述主要關注社交媒體平台的情感與消費文化、親密關係的建構,以及微名人的能見度和想望型勞動等議題。 ❞

Wei-Ping Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Technology at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. With a Ph.D. in Sociology from EHESS – École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France, her research spans technology-mediated intimacy, sociology of emotions, sociology of consumption, audiences and popular culture, critical data studies, and feminist media studies.

Wei-Ping Chen’s academic publications include the book Keywords in Emotion and Gender Culture for Generation Z, as well as journal articles and book chapters in communication, sociology, and cultural studies. Her recent work explores the interaction between emotions and consumer culture on social media platforms, the construction of intimacy, and platform visibility and aspirational labor among micro-celebrities.

In the interplay of algorithmic cultures and intimate lives, I find the gendered narratives that shape our understanding of technologies, the self, and others.

What I do

I lead research projects focused on social media platforms, digital intimacy, and post-feminist media culture. My work has been published in Sociological Research Online, The Journal of Information Society, and Cultural Studies Quarterly. I’ve also contributed to various edited volumes and review articles for journals such as Information, Communication & Society and Cultural Studies.

I teach media, gender, and qualitative methods. My students have achieved national honors, including the NSCT Research Grant, the MoFA Short Film Competition, and the Best Paper Award at the TAIS Conference. My commitment to teaching is also recognized through multiple awards at NYCU, such as two Teaching Excellence Awards and an Outstanding Mentor Award.

As an active member of the academic community, I review articles for leading journals and conferences. I also help out as a committee member for media creation competitions and offer consultancy for corporate closed-door meetings. Outside of academia, I enjoy sharing my insights on gender and media literacy through press interviews, blog posts, and invited talks.


【2024-02-14】提醒各位今天是什麼節日:初五,所以開工前就來談點愛情吧!ft. 陳維平 | NYCU PRESS說書中

Publications & Talks 【+more

Chen, W. P. (2024). Mediating gender norms through the ‘foodies’ culture as romantic emotions. Sociological Research Online, 29(4), 1036-1053.



I cherish how everyday moments spark new ideas. The photos here capture some of my reflections. I’m open to connecting and exploring new possibilities. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to chat or have any questions.〰️
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